Sunday, June 1, 2008

Class Gathering on May 31, 2008

Hi Classmates:

Our annual scholarships were presented this year at graduation to 5 graduating seniors: Ethan Midkiff, Sarah Myers, Sierra Burris, Lauren Henderson (pictured on bridge) and Mia Baker who was unable to attend the gathering. Each received $300. Thanks goes out to all classmates who donated money and to all classmates who helped with the yard sales to provide these scholarships. We honored the graduates with a cook out at Heritage Park on May 31. The class members who attended were Francine, Betty, Freddie, Linda O., Patsy, Veda, Mike Linda W. and Marty. It was a great evening and hope that other class members can come next year.

As some of you know, another fund raiser is being planned. We have placed an order for Commemorative Mugs of the Old Piggott High School. When they arrive we will be notifying you so you can purchase your mug. We already have 20 sold to class members who have responded to the e-mail that was sent out. We think that there will be several people who will want to buy one when the word gets out. We will also have them for sale at the yard sale this fall. We have the possibility of making about $1,ooo from this fund raiser with most of that going into our scholarship fund.

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