Friday, September 24, 2010

Reunion Information

The reunion is fast approaching. . . it starts October 8 just 2 weeks from today.

The class float which will be in the Homecoming Parade is progressing. We have the signs painted and lettered and the art class will be adding touches on them for us. If you are able to participate, we will be meeting at the VFW on Garfield @ 1:30pm. The parade begins around 2:00pm. After the parade we will be going to Heritage Park for a Tailgate party before the Homecoming Football game which begins @ 7:30 pm. We will be cooking up hot dogs, hamburgers and Smoked Sausages. We have had a donation of $50.00 to help with the cost of the food. Someone will bringing chili, nachos and sauerkraut. We are asking that iems for the Silent Auction be brought to the Tailgate Party. They will be on display so that we can get an idea of what there will be to bid on. PLEASE have your name on the item that you donate.

After the football game, everyone is invited to come to the home of Jim and Marty (Vaughn) Renard. The address is 930 Maxine in Piggott. We will be having refreshments and more time to visit.

Decorating of the Community Center will begin @ 9:00 am on Saturday. We will need some guys to set up tables and to run errands. We have lots of posters to put up and scrap books to set out. We also will need help putting out the Silent Auction Items and getting the bidding sheets arranged. The greeting table will need to be arranged so that it will run smoothly as classmates arrive. We also need volunteers to greet classmates after they enter the gym to let them know what needs their immediate attention, i.e. picture taking, silent auction and quilt dispay/raffle. After decorating the gym, we might want to all have lunch together at the Piggott Diner. . they have a large room that we can all sit in together.

Someone will be at the Community Center as early as 3:00pm to greet early birds who come. Official arriving time is 4:00 pm. We are having Hog Wild cater the meal. We will have a choice of Pork Steak, Pulled Pork or Chicken. They have done so well with selling BBQ out of a trailer in Piggott, that they have built a dine-in area which should be open by the reunion week end. They have GOOD food and hopefully everyone will be happy of our choice of caterers. We should be able to eat around 6:00 pm.

We hope that everyone enjoys the reunion and many old friendships are rekindled. There are 10 classmates on the list to attend who were not able to be here for the last reunion. For those of you who have not returned your questionnaire, please do so as soon as possible even if you are not going to come. We are trying to get all the information together so that we can have a copy for everyone who attends. If you can not attend and would like to have the material that will be handed out, please send $10.00 for s/h to Marty Renard, 930 Maxine Piggott AR 72454.

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