Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pamela Parrent nee Camp

These are from her 2 e-mails form Wed. a.m.:
"I have the shingles and they hurt like hell"
"Left stomach and back"

This is from the last e-mail that I received from Pam about 7:30 p.m. Wed. eve.

"Well I am still at the office but not for long the pain pill is looking pretty good now….this is worse than when I broke my back… I have had them a week today and they still hurt as bad as the 1st day. They are square like blisters in small and large sizes …they look just like the pictures if you google them… I guess getting old is going to try to get the best of me but I think that the reason I got them is because of the stress and worry about my mom…she has Alzheimer's and is trying to convince everyone that she is not sick….. so as to how long they will last I do not know..... got to get back to work my phone is ringing."

I believe that she would like to hear from all of you.
Her e-mail address is: .

This is from an e-mail received Thursday a.m.:
"Jackie Pogue checks on my mother every day for me … at least, I can count on that … to get back to work..."

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