Wednesday, January 14, 2009


If you have been trying to call Mike and getting a recording that his mailbox is full, please try again. He has been notified and was going to clean it out so he can get more messages. He is doing much better now, so don't be surprised if he answers. The last report that I had from Linda was that he is anxious to get back home, being out and about and gathering with friends again. He will have 12 weeks of physical therapy in Paragould so that will be a comitmment on his part. He has been advised to make sure he completes it because 12 weeks is nothing compared to the misery he could endure for the rest of his life if he doesn't have it.

Mike's heart attack has hit a little close to home. It has been an eye opener for some of us and is a motivation to eat right and get more exercise. Let's make it a resolution for 2009 to be more active and be aware of any "symtoms" that would indicate a problem.

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